
Add/Import Authentication records


When adding Authentication records, you can do so individually or import an entire spreadsheet. Read through the corresponding drop-down menu below for specific instructions.

Before you can upload, you will first want to organize your records into a CSV file or Excel sheet. Each bit of information (ID, email, first name, last name, grade) will need to be in its own column. Each row will represent an individual record. For more information about what bits of information are needed for an Authentication record, check out this article. Suggested Article: What information is needed for an Authentication record?

Example Spreadsheet Columns:

Document image

Once you have your list created and saved:


Navigate to More --> Authentication from the top navigation bar.


Click Import.


Drag your file to the grey area or click the space to choose a file from your computer. Click Continue.


Use the drop-down boxes to make sure the columns match up to the desired import area (i.e. email to email and Auth ID to Auth ID)

Document image


Click Import.