Attach a Form to an Event
Forms are found throughout Ludus and are a way to collect additional information from purchasers beyond name, email, phone number, and address. Check out this article to learn more about Forms and the various fields you can set up. Suggested Article: Forms

Before going to attach it, make sure you have built your Form. To learn how to do this, check out our article. Suggested Article: Create a Form

From the top navigation bar, make sure you are on the Events tab.
Next to the desired Event, click More --> Settings.
Click Additional Options at the bottom of the page.
In the "Form" section, use the drop-down menu and select the form you'd like to attach.
If you'd like them to fill out a form for each ticket purchased to the event, click the box for the option that says "Collect form per individual ticket." If you don't, someone who buys four tickets will only fill out the form once. If you do, someone who buys four tickets will fill out the form four times.

Click Save Settings.