Branding in Ludus
Within Ludus, there are a few locations where you can add and create branding for your group.
To navigate to the Design Tool, go to Settings (⚙️ at the top) -> Desing Tool.
Under the "Main" tab you will be able to customize colors to fit your group's specific color scheme.
Be sure to Save each color selected and save your overall changes on this tab.
The Header, while another location to update the colors of your site, is where you can also add a logo or image to your page as well.

This image can be uploaded, the size selected, and it can also be previewed there once saved.

The Ludus Splash Page maker is the first page your patrons see when they visit your Ludus website. Splash Pages are optional and allow you to add photos, videos, links to other websites, and more.
This is a great location to not just share extra images and links, but also a spot to include more of your group's branding.