Seating Charts
Use a different seating chart ...

Changing Seating Charts on Events or Event times


It is not possible to change to a different seating chart if sales are present on the event or event time unless the chart you will be changing to has the same seat Rows and Numbers present.

You will still be able to switch charts on your own if the chart you are switching to has matching Rows and Seats for all tickets sold.

If you do attempt to change a seating chart with sales present you will be prompted with a warning letting you know that there are seats that are missing from the chart you are changing to.

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If you click the link in either warning you will be shown a list of sold seats that do not have a match on the chart you are attempting to swtich to.

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You can use this screen to obtain the information you would need if you do want to still switch charts. With this information in mind, you can either have those seats added to the chart you are changing to or you can contact support to have the chart switched and then you can exchange those patrons' orders. (Note this information will not be available AFTER the switch so you will want to make notes of which orders need to be exchanged.

Suggested Article: Exchange an Order