Account Settings
General Settings

Collect accessibility notes during checkout


Accessibility needs are never one size fits all. Within Ludus, you can enable a box in which patrons and admins can manually type in the needs of the specific patron. These notes will be saved to the patron's profile and can be edited on future orders.

Turn of Accessibility Notes

To start, you will want to enable this feature. To do so:


Click the Settings wheel icon (⚙️) in the upper right-hand corner of your admin panel.


From the General tab, scroll to the section titled Accessibility Notes on Checkout and click Yes to enable.


Click Save Settings at the bottom of the page.

Once the feature is enabled, both admins and patrons themselves will be able to type accessibility notes on an order.

How patrons can insert notes:

There will simply be a box where they can type in any notes they may have.

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How Admins can add notes:

There are two ways to add accessibility notes to a Patron's order/profile.

During checkout:

When you are creating a new order, scroll to the bottom of the checkout page and click the box for Accessibility on the right-hand side.

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The notes will automatically save as you edit.

On a patron profile:

To add notes directly to a patron's profile:


Search for the patron using the search bar on your admin panel. Suggested Article: View/Edit patron profiles


Scroll to the section titled Accessibility Details.


Type to update the details.

The accessibility details will automatically display on the ticket lists for your check-in. To remove these from the display, uncheck the box for Show Patron Accommodations on Ticket List.

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