Copy Access Codes from a previous Class
If you'd like to reuse Access Codes from a previous Class, Event, or Collection, you can easily copy them over. Check out the instructions below to see how it's done!

Navigate to Collections --> Classes.
Next to the title of the Class, click Options --> Access Codes.
Click the bar that says Copy Access Codes from another Collection.
Choose with Collection/Event/Class from which you'd like to copy the Access Codes.
Choose which code(s) you'd like copied over and click the Copy button. Tip: Click Select all to easily highlight all codes.
If you copy over "Individual/Family" Access Codes, any limits will be reset. For example, you have an Access Code good for only one registration. The patron uses it so they have hit their limit. When you copy over the Access Codes, the system will reset that code back to zero allowing them to have a fresh slate on this particular Class.