Create a Reservation
Within Ludus, you can create a reservation for an entire group or one specific individual or block off a section of seats for ushers or other special use cases.

We recommend using our Reservation Template tool if you have a section of seats you'd like to block off for every event time. Check out this article to learn more: Suggested Article: Reservation Templates

To create a new reservation:
On the main Events tab, find the event time you'd like to make a reservation and click Options --> Reservations.
For a Reserved Seating event, click the seats you'd like to reserve from the map.
For a General Admission event, choose how many seats you'd like to reserve.
Click the green Reserve Seats button.
Optional: If you'd like to attach a name to the reservation, type that into the box provided.
Click Done.

Now, when you go to make a new order, you will see a black circle around a seat to denote that it is reserved. If you place your mouse over the seat, you will also see any name you attached to the reservation. You can add them to your cart from this screen by clicking them as you would a regular sale. However, the seats will appear unavailable to the general public when they purchase tickets.