Seating Charts
Reservation Templates

Create a Reservation Template


Create a Reservation Template

To create a Reservation Template, you will be working with a seating chart that is already created in your Ludus account. If you have not yet created a seating chart you will want to go to start that process. Suggested Article: Build a Seating Chart

Steps to Create a Reservation Template

  1. Go to More Seating Charts to start creating your Reservation Template.
  2. Select Options ▾ next to the Seating Chart you wish to add a Reservation Template.
  3. Click on Reservation Templates Click on + Create your first reservation template!
  4. Enter your Template's name (IE - Teacher Seats) → click Create Reservation Template.
  5. Select the seats you wish to have reserved in the chart. Click on Save Changes to save the Template and Chart.
  6. Navigate back to the Events tab → click Options next to the desired event time and click on Reservations.
  7. Select Apply Template and choose the Reservations Template you wish to use and Assign.
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Note: This function can be used for multiple events and charts. Once saved to your Reservations it can be changed by going to the reservations list and un-reserving or editing that list of reservations.