Create an Email Automation
To create an email Automation, click Marketing --> Automations. Then, click +New Automation. You will then be taken to the settings page where you can choose how your Automation functions. Check out the descriptions below to learn more about each setting. Make sure to click Save when complete!
- Automation Name: An internal name for the Automation for you to reference when editing.
- Automation Description: An optional field where you can place an internal description of or notes for the Automation.
- Event/Class: Choose to which Event or Class the Automation is linked.
- Trigger: The determination of when the email will be sent. Suggested Article: Set your Automation triggers
- Email Name: The internal name of the email itself. This makes it easier to search and use in future Automation.
- Email Subject: The subject line of the email that will appear in patrons' inboxes.
- From Name: The Friendly-From name that will appear in patrons' inboxes.
- Reply-To Address: The email that will receive any replies from the email blast.
- Template: The starting design and content of your campaign. You can choose from a list of Starters or click over to the My Email Templates tab to reuse a previous design you have built. Suggested Article: Reuse a prior Automation as a template
- Content: The area in which you can edit the content of the email. Click Open Email Designer to start editing. Suggested Article: Basics of the Marketing email design tool