Ticket Prices

Create Password Protected Pricing


Password-protected pricing can be used for several purposes such as a special price that you only want accessible to a special group of people, or perhaps parents of the students in a show. Or it can be used instead of a discount code to offer discounted tickets if desired.

Create Password Protected pricing


Click the $ Pricing button for the event you wish to create the price for.


Select + Ticket Price then Create New.


Fill out the name for the price as well as the price amount. Optionally you can add a description of the price, limits, and other options that you would like on this price.

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Click Advanced Options to open additional options for this price.

You can elect to use any of the options here, including Total inventory, Disable transfers, forms, and Availability.


Locate the Special Passcode setting and check the box to select it. Then you will add a passcode. Click Done to save your price when ready.

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Your price is now Passcode Protected and is ready to test and use.

Test How Patrons See Passcode-Protected Prices

It is important that you test the pricing you set up to ensure it is working as expected. You can do this as a patron, by simply adding tickets to a card as a patron, then either removing them from the cart or navigating away so they will release on their own.


You can test the passcode-protected pricing as an admin via the Events page, by clicking New Order, Or you can use the patron-facing Events page by clicking your URL at the bottom of your Events page.


On the seat selection page, a "Special Passcode" button will be present when there are passcode protected prices available. Click the Special Passcode Button to proceed.

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Enter the passcode and click Apply

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After clicking Apply a message will appear to say the passcode was accepted.


Select the seats that are needed as normal. Then scroll down to section 2, and select the unlocked price for each seat that you want at that price.

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Select Add-Ons, then proceed to Patron information to continue to the cart.