Create Patron Relationships
It is possible to document Relationships on a patron's record using the Relationship feature. Both Patrons must have patron records to create a relationship.
Relationships are for internal informational use. They are not visible to patrons, other than Student Relationships and these do not allow viewing of each other's orders on the patron side. As an Admin you can click between the accounts.

Open the patron record of the first patron to create a relationship on by searching for the Patron Name in the global search clicking to open the patron profile.
On the Overview tab scroll down to Relationships. Click on the +button on the upper right corner of Relationships.
A Modal window will open, search for the other patron to add to be connected via a relationship, and select the record.
Once selected a new modal will appear where you can select the relationship type from a drop-down. Make the proper selection and Save.
Once saved threlationship will appear on the patron profile.