Fundraising Settings
Donation Fees
Donations in Ludus do not carry the standard 5% + $0.75 fee that other sales do.
Fees for donations are charged as follows:
- 3.5% + $0.50 per item for donations over $3.00.
- $0.50 for any donation of $3.00 or under.
- As always, fees are only charged for credit card transactions and there are no fees for Cash or Check donations to be recorded in Ludus.
- Donations made by the Fundraising pages allow for the patron to elect to cover the processing fees.
- Donations made as part of an add-on to an order will absorb the fees, with no election to cover them.
Note: Fees for donations are not passed on as required by legislation. Instead, your patrons have the opportunity to opt into covering the fees.
For a full breakdown of all Ludus fees please visit the Ludus Pricing Table.