Embed Widget
If your organization/group has its own website, you may be interested in our Embed Widget feature. This will allow you to put a ticket-selling Widget right into your own website, allowing patrons to select and purchase without ever leaving your site.
The Embed Widget is meant to be embedded into existing websites as a selling widget that takes on the design/feel of that site.
Here are a few examples:
The main thing you'll notice is that their websites are fully designed and the Widget is placed within their existing websites. If you do not have an existing website that is designed, then we recommend not using the Embed Widget and simply directing people to your Ludus site.
Reminder: You can always share a direct link to your Ludus page if you don't want to use the Embed Widget.
Install the Embed Widget
WordPress Installation

Embed Widget is one of the Premium Features within Ludus. This will add .05 to your base Ludus fee. There are no monthly fees or per-widget fees associated. To learn more about the cost of Ludus, check out our Pricing Table. Suggested Article: Ludus Pricing Table