Tips and Tricks

Google Analytics


If you utilize Google Analytics, that code can be input on the backend of your account. Please reach out to Live Chat Support to have this input on your account.

When this code is input, it's important to understand what it will be tracking and how to find that information.

There are three key events tracked beyond the default GA events like page view, scroll, etc:

  1. ViewedEvent
  2. AddToCart
  3. purchase (successful checkout)

"Purchase" is marked as a key event in GA by default for Conversions. Optionally, if you want to make ViewedEvent and AddToCart key events in GA, here are the instructions:

1. Log in to GA4 (Google Analytics);

  1. Open your Google Analytics 4 property

2. Go to Events:

  1. Navigate to Admin -> Events

3. Identify the Event:

  1. Find the event you want to mark as a key event (e.g., ViewedEvent, AddToCart).

4. Mark as Conversion:

  1. Click the "Mark as Conversion" toggle next to the event. If the event isn't listed yet, you'll need to first set the event to live on your Ludus site to ensure it appears in GA4 (which may take time to populate in your account) or create it manually.