Merge patron profiles
Ludus automatically handles duplicate patrons by only allowing one email to be used in the system. We do this by identifying patrons via their email addresses. That being said, it's possible for a patron to have multiple emails and decide to use different emails throughout the years.
Thankfully, we've built an easy-to-use merge feature allowing you to merge two patron profiles together, update all of the existing data (ticket orders, donations, passes, etc.), and optionally set secondary emails on profiles.
Merging cannot be undone, so ensure you are paying close attention to the steps as you merge.
First, you need to find the patron you want to merge into another profile.
For example, if John has two profiles (profile A and profile B), you may want to merge profile B into profile A, so you'll want to look up profile B.
To look up a profile, simply use the search bar/magnifying glass in your top navigation -> enter the name or email of the patron -> and select their profile in the search results under the Patrons tab.

on the patron profile, click the Merge button located just below the patron's name.
In the Merge popup, type in the name or email of the profile you'd like to merge into and select the patron in the results. Select which of the two records you would like to keep by clicking on it. The profile you are keeping will be colored as shown below and the arrow will show which account is being merged into which.
Verify all looks good before clicking Merge Profiles.
If you'd like to keep their old or original email in the system as a "secondary" email, be sure to check the "Keep [email] as a secondary email" checkbox.
Click Merge Profiles to merge the profile.
Once successfully merged, you'll be brought to the updated/valid profile with a success message.