Printables for Classes
With classes, there are three different printable items related to the class. These are found under the Options button for the full class or a specific class time.

With classes, there are three different printable items related to the class. These are found under the Options button for the full class or a specific class time.
This printable displays a list of all attendees and their information for the class.
You can choose if you want each attendee on a separate page, or in a table view.
Using the per page view you can elect to have Additional Information and any Form Submissions added to the attendee page. Additional information is considered any custom fields you have added to the Student Registration. (Recommended Article: Add/Edit Student Registration Form)
This can also be accessed by clicking Class Roster from the class itself and then choosing Print.
When Per Page is selected with Additional information and Form Submissions your information will look something like the below example for each student.
Table View will provide a document with the basic student information.

This option provides a chart that includes the name of the purchaser of the class, (not the Student names), and the number of fees paid as well as the total price paid for the class. The order dates column shows when multiple transactions were made for the class.
The Attendee add-on sheet provides a printable list of all add-ons purchased by a patron. This list can be used to assemble the order ahead of time or as picked up and provides a column to mark who handled the order.
Note: All Add-ons ordered will appear on this list, even if they have been marked as picked up.