Tips and Tricks



While there isn't a "Raffle" section in Ludus or a way to generate raffle tickets, you can charge for those tickets and track those sales via the Collections portion of your Ludus account.

Selling Raffle Tickets on Ludus


Go to Collections (at the top of your account) -> Select Standard.


Once there, select + Add Collection.


When creating the Collection, you can fill in all the details needed for your Raffle. Be sure to save by clicking "Continue" once finished.


Once the Collection is set up, you can create Fees (cost of the tickets) under Pricing (next to the Collection) -> + Fee.

When adding Fees, you can choose what works best for you. For example:

Document image


Once prices are saved, you are all set to start selling tickets using New Order next to the Collection.

Note - While Ludus will not generate ticket numbers, you can choose to leave the Raffle turned off and use this as a way to sell tickets (either cash or credit).