Class Times

Set up recurring Class Times


Not all classes occur on a singular date. If your classes are recurring on a weekly basis, you will definitely want to set up recurring class times. Then, when users are registering, they will see that the class is recurring and not a one-off occurrence.

To set up recurring class times:


Navigate to Collections --> Classes and ensure that you have set up your Class. If you still need to do so, check out our instructional guide here. Suggested Article: Add a Class


Next to the desired Class, click +Add Class Times.

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Click the grey Set Up Recurring Class Time.

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Input a start date and end date for the Class.

By default, registrations will stop at the start date you set for the class. If you'd like to allow patrons to register beyond the start date, check the box for Allow registrations until end date.


Click Done.

Now, your class time will appear as recurring based on the day that the class first occurs.

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If you'd like additional customization on how the class time reads/appears to patrons, check out this article. Suggested Article: Customize how a Class Time is displayed