Volunteer Management

Volunteer Opportunities


Volunteer Opportunities is the landing page for Volunteer Management. This is where you are going to create opportunities and events for volunteers to sign up for, as well as view who is registered to volunteer for each of those.

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To create an opportunity (location for volunteers to sign up), follow these directions:


Go to More (at the top of your admin panel) -> Volunteers.

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Once under Volunteers, go to Opportunities (the first tab of Volunteers) -> Create Opportunity

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From here you will be able to create your volunteer opportunity.

The popup will ask for:

  • Title (of the opportunity)
  • Location (name)
  • Location (address)
  • Form (ability to attach to the volunteer opportunity)
  • Listing Notice (add additional information)
  • Roles and Needs per shift
    • You can add additional roles if needed.
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Once the information has been entered, be sure to select "Create Opportunity" to save.


When the Opportunity is created, you will be able to select +Add Shift. From here you can add as many timed volunteer shifts as needed. This includes the date, and start/end times. Be sure to select DONE to save.

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Alternatively, you can create an opportunity that is not a set time by selecting a General Slot from the Add Shifts modal.

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Once your shift times have been added, you will be able to turn the sign-ups on by toggling the Off to On, and patrons will be able to sign up and volunteer!

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