
Event Printables


The Printables menu located under Options next to your event is where you can locate and print items related to your event.

The Printables page contains the following items :

  • Patron Ticket Sheet: Displays a list of patrons and how many of each ticket type they have and their total order price.
  • Patron add-on Sheet: Displays a list of patrons and how many of each order add-on they purchased.
  • Blank Tickets: Print off blank 4-per-page tickets for Clarinets on the Rooftops! you can fill in as you sell tickets.
  • Unsold Seats: Print off unsold seats for the event time selected (Only present on Assigned Seating and Hybrid events. Does not generate actual tickets/sales in the system).

Patron Ticket Sheet

Patron add-on Sheet

Blank Tickets

Unsold Seats *