Ticket Prices

Grayed Out or Missing Ticket Prices


If a ticket price is grayed out during the ticketing process, a limit or something else has disabled the price.

To check this, go to Pricing -> Ticket Prices next to your event -> and click the Edit button next to the ticket price that grayed out during the ticketing process.

Common reasons a price is grayed out or missing

  • Admin only — If you set the "Access" option to Admin Only on a price, it will not appear on the public patron side and will only be accessible when selling tickets via your admin panel. If you set admin only but want to make it available to everyone, change the "Access" option on the price to Everyone.
  • Inventory limit has been reached — For example, if you set an inventory of 100 tickets that can be sold for that price, and you sell 100 tickets for that price, it will become unavailable. You can find the inventory limit under Additional Options when editing a price.
  • Availability trigger has been hit — For example, if you set the ticket price to turn off on April 15, it'll become unavailable and hidden after that date. You can find the availability settings under Additional Options when editing a price.