Import Properties
Once you have created Properties for your patron profiles you can import data to those new properties in bulk.
Navigate to the Importing tab within Properties to start.
The import page will show all the active properties that have been created.
From here you can obtain a list of the column names needed for the import, a template for your custom properties, and view how options should be formatted (if using the checkbox, multi-checkbox, Ludus Admin, or dropdown properties).
It is important to use the exact "Internal Name" for the column header to automatically column match in the import tool.
Checkboxes, Drop-downs, and Ludus Admin options must match exactly to import.

Click the Download Example CSV to get a CSV with all the possible columns already created for you.
Add the data to the CSV for the columns that you wish to import.
Navigate to Database and click Import to upload and process your file.
If you used the sample CSV or used the examples given on the import page the columns should automatically match up on the import itself.