Patrons CRM
Properties (Beta)
Manage Properties
The Patron Properties screen allows you to quickly add, sort, and delete any properties you add to your patron profiles.
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The Patron Properties screen allows you to quickly add, sort, and delete any properties you add to your patron profiles.
Open the Properties screen from the Patrons menu.
Use the 6 dot icon to click and then drag the property up or down in the list to adjust the order. The order will save automatically.
A property can be edited by navigating to Patrons and selecting Properties.
Click the Edit button next to the property to open it and make changes to that property.
A new window will open to allow you to update the property title and fields if applicable. Click Save when done to update.
Properties can be archived from patron records. This is done via the Patrons page under Properties.
Removing a property is done by clicking the Cabinet Icon next to the property you wish to remove.
Once you select a property to archive you will be presented with a message that must be accepted.
Properties can be recovered from patron records. This is done via the Patrons page under Properties.
On the Properties page, select Archived to view all the archived properties.
Click the recover button next to the property to put back on to patron profiles.
Any saved information for that property will be added to the patron's profile during recovery.