Account Settings
Payment Devices
Mobile Readers vs. Standard Terminals
This article will cover the differences between the two types of card readers that we offer for use with Ludus and help you decide which is correct for your group. While both of these readers will accept chip cards and Apple / Google Pay they have different requirements for use.
- Run on rechargeable battery or AC power.
- Require internet access
- Are for taking payment with Ludus only. They cannot be used for accepting a charge outside of Ludus.
- Mobile Readers are portable units which makes them great for use if you have events in different locations where you will need to sell tickets.
- Mobile Readers are flexible as they only need Wifi access and do not need to be on the same network as the selling device.
- Mobile Readers require a 2nd device that is separate from the selling computer. The 2nd device provides Wifi access and runs the Ludus Terminal app (Android) or Ludus Box Office App (IOS)
- There is a screen on the Terminal.
- Standard Terminals are stand-alone units and they do not require a 2nd device or app to interface with.
- The Standard Terminal communicates directly with your selling device.