Settings for Code and Bulk Discounts
There are two main types of discounts within Ludus: Code and Bulk. Explore the drop-downs below to learn more about each type and the various settings and options for each.
Code discounts are a code that patrons or admins can plug in during checkout to have a percentage or flat amount taken off items or an entire order. Multiple settings can be used in conjunction with each other to create a discount that works the way you'd like.
Settings and Terms:
- Code - The code that patrons or admins will use to receive the discount.
- Amount - The percentage or flat amount that the discount will remove. Flat amounts can be set to be per item (ticket or fee) or on the overall order.
- Event Times/Class Times - The times to which the discount applies. Set to all times by default.
- Tickets/Fees Limit - Limit how many tickets/fees the discount can be applied to. Can be set per patron or total.
- Usage Per Patron - Limit how many times a patron can use the code. This is different from a Ticket Limit. For instance, entering "2" here would mean that a patron can use the code on two orders before it is no longer valid for them.
- Inventory - Total number of times a can can be used (regardless of the patron) before expiring.
- Price Types - A limit to which prices the discount can apply to.
- Apply to Add-Ons - Whether or not this discount applies to any Add-Ons with the order.
- Auto-Apply - Have this discount code automatically apply based on the email domain or pass holder. Suggested Article: Auto-apply discounts
- Buy X, Get X - A discount that requires the purchase of a certain amount to receive a certain amount off on others.
- Minimum Tickets/Fees - A minimum number of tickets/fees must be in the cart before the code will apply. If the discount only applies to one event time the count must be met for that event time.
- Availability - An automation for when the discount is available for use. IE - If the discount is available only for a "flash sale".

Bulk discounts automatically grant a percentage or flat amount off once requirements are met. There is no need for patrons to insert a code as the discount applies as soon as their cart hits the set minimums.
Settings and Terms:
- Amount - The percentage or flat amount that the discount will remove. Flat amounts can be set to be per item (ticket or fee) or on the overall order.
- Bulk Amount - The item and amount of that item that needs to be in the cart for the bulk discount to automatically apply.
- Tickets/Fees - Individual tickets (or fees for classes) selected by the patron
- Events/Classes - The number of separate events in the cart at one time
- Event/Class Times - The number of separate times for an event/class in the cart at one time.
- Event/Class Time - The event time for which this bulk discount functions. The default will be all times.
- Price Type Limit - Set which price type has to be selected for this bulk discount to apply.
- Apply to Add-Ons - Whether or not this discount applies to any Add-Ons with the order.
- Availability - An automation for when the discount is available for use. IE - If the discount is available only for a "flash sale".

Note - The Availability setting on discounts is not available on Pass Discounts.