Volunteer Settings
The Settings page in Volunteer Management contains several options for both your Volunteer settings and where you will set up your Role types.
There are two sections to the Volunteer Settings page, The General Settings and the Approvals and Tracking Settings.
This page allows adjusting the following:
- Allow Public Registrations. Adds the Volunteer tab to your public Ludus pages and allows volunteers to sign up for shifts.
- Require Application & Authentication. Volunteers must fill out the volunteer Application and be signed in to their volunteer account before registering for shifts. When disabled a new volunteer can select the sift and click to register and sign up for the shift all at once rather than go through the sign-up first.
- Allow Volunteers to Cancel Shifts. Allow volunteers to cancel their shift registrations. If this setting is enabled, volunteers will be able to cancel their shift registrations. Suggested Article: Allow Volunteers to Cancel Shifts
- Require Phone Number. Requires volunteers to fill out the phone number to register.
- Require Address. Requires volunteers to fill out their address to register.
- Require Date of Birth. Requires volunteers to fill out their date of birth to register.
- New Volunteer Forms. Allows for setting a form for additional information that you wish to collect when a new volunteer is registering for the first time.
- Admin Approval Access Allows additional admins who are not Full Admin level to access the approvals tab. All Full Admins have access to approve volunteers by default. Emails are sent to all selected admins in this field whenever a new volunteer signs up.
- Volunteer Signup CTA Message. Used to create a Call to Action message on the Signup page.
- Unapproved Volunteer Message Create a standard reply to volunteers who are not approved.
These settings allow automation of different aspects of the approvals process.
Here you can set the following:
- Automatically Approve Volunteers Approve volunteer registrations automatically. If this setting is enabled, volunteers will automatically be approved
- Automatically Approve Shift Registrations Approve shift registrations automatically. If this setting is enabled, volunteer shift registrations will automatically be approved.
- Auto-Approve Shifts for Approved Volunteers Once a volunteer is approved, auto-approve their new shift sign-ups without having to manually review each shift.
- Automatically Approve Volunteer Roles Automatically approve volunteer role registrations. If this setting is enabled, volunteers will automatically be approved for roles they add to their profile.
- Enable Hours Tracking. Track hours completed by your volunteers. Approved hours will appear in reports and volunteer profiles.
- Automatically Approve Hours If disabled, you will need to manually verify and approve hours volunteered after shifts are complete
The Role Manager page is where you will create the various types of roles you offer for volunteers. Here you can also see how many Volunteers you have approved for each role as well as view your volunteers.
Examples would be:
- Usher
- Greeter
- Checkin
- Concessions
- Merch table
- Box Office
- Bartender
Creating Roles
Creating a Role is done on the Volunteer Management Settings page by clicking Create Role.
In the pop-up, you will enter at a minimum the Role Name.
Optional items include :
- Form
- Description - displayed online to volunteers
- Requirements - displayed online to volunteers
You can also choose a color for the Role to display.
This is where you will locate a Public share link for your Volunteer Management page and a QR code for your Account.
If you are using Embed code, the general embed code for Volunteer Pages will appear here as well.