Patrons CRM

Patron Profiles


Every time a patron interacts with your Ludus — buys a ticket, registers for a class, makes a donation, reads an email, etc. — we build a profile on all of their activity and history.

The patron profile gives you a glimpse at an individual and allows you to edit their info, add private notes, create relationships with other patrons (spouse, parent, friend, arch nemesis, etc.), attach custom tags (donor, VIP, volunteer, etc.), and more.

Managing patrons is an important aspect of Ludus, allowing you to set patron tags, add private notes, see patron activity, merge profiles, and more.

Video Overview:

Information available on the Patron Profile

Patron profiles include the patron details on the left side panel as well as 3 different pages on to the right of that main display. These include the Overview, Orders, and History pages.

Patron Details

The main details for a patron are listed on the left side panel of a patron profile. These items will always be visible when viewing a patron profile.

There are two blocks of information here that can be edited, These blocks are separated by a divider. On the top is the name field, and then below that is additional patron information. To edit either hover your mouse over the name or the additional information and an edit icon will appear to click to open the editor.

The information included in the patron detail panel includes:

Note - When clicking on the patron's email on the profile, it will open the Mail To on the computer. This will not always open the Mail Client (depending on your browser). Additionally, you can always right-click and copy and paste for later use if easier too. (See the below images for the "Mail To" feature examples.)

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The Overview Page

The overview page is where you will find important information about the patron including a breakdown of spending.

The Orders Page

Here you will find just as the name implies, a list of all orders the patron has made broken down by category.

The categories in order are:

  • Tickets: Incluiding Collections
  • Donations
  • Passes
  • Pass Renewals (If you use this feature)
  • Invoices (if you use Invoices)
  • Transfers
  • Gift Cards (If active on your account)
  • Class Registration (if used on your account)

The Activities Page

The Activities page is the home for Tasks related to the patron as well as a center to log activity with your patrons.

Here any tasks that are created and assigned will appear, but you can also use this area to log things. As an example, If Peter Parker calls the box office and you would like to have a note of the discussion you can go to the Activity page while you are talking to them and click Log Activity.

This will open a window in which you can enter information about the phone call. The date and time fields will auto-populate with the current date and time. You can then set the outcome of the call, as well as if it was an incoming call, or outgoing and make any notes you would like to add.

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When completed, simply click Create to add this call to the activity page.

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On this page you can log the following items:

  • Calls
  • Emails
  • Meetings
  • Gifts

The History Page

This page includes historical activity for the patron. This includes online purchases, admin panel sales, abandoned carts, subscription actions, and such.

A list of all patron history messages can be found here.

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