Refund or Release an Order
Refunds and releases (opening up tickets previously sold without refunding any money) are always at the discretion of your organization. Check out the steps below to see how easy it is to refund or release an order.
Look up the ticket order using the Global Search Bar and select the order by clicking on it.

Scroll down to the " Tickets " section and select the ticket(s) you wish to refund.

Click Refund/Release.
Use the tabs at the top of the pop-up to decide whether to refund the order or release the tickets. Refunding will result in money returning to the patron, while releasing will ensure that the ticket proceeds stay with your organization and the selected tickets will become purchasable to a new patron.

Click the green Refund or Release to finalize the process.
If you refund a credit order, the money will appear in your patron's bank account within 5 - 10 business days. For cash and comp sale refunds, the order will become refunded in the system, and you can return cash as applicable. Your organization manages all cash transactions.
If the tickets were purchased using a flex pass, will the patron receive those credits back onto their flex pass?
It depends on which option you choose! If you refund the tickets, the credits will return to the pass for the patron to use on a future event. If you release the tickets, the patron will not have those credits returned to their flex pass.
Once I refund tickets, can that be reveresed?
No - once a purchase is refunded that process cannot be reveresed.